Vol. 19 No. 3
Significance of living mulch for sustainable crop production- A review
Abstract: Living mulch in agriculture is a cover crop that is seeded beneath or in between two other crops. Its goal is to perform the roles of mulch, such as managing soil temperature and controlling weeds. Legumes can be used as living mulch to reduce the need for fertilizer, in addition to fixing nitrogen. Consequently, an attempt has been made to get a greater knowledge of the significance of living mulch and its management for sustainable crop production by reviewing the work done by scientists on a related subject. Main benefits of cover crops in agro ecosystems includes control of soil erosion, improved soil structure and water holding capacity improves soil physical properties, increase the amount of organic matter in the soil, weed control and fix atmospheric nitrogen by legume cover crops besides living mulches can prevent water runoff. The fundamental problem with living mulch is that it often suppresses the main crops. This section's objective is to describe management techniques that may boost the probability of beneficial results in living mulch systems. Some of the management tactics are described under- kind of living mulch, planting pattern and density, irrigation and nutrient inputs and mechanical control. The identification of low-input chemical control techniques, the improvement of alternatives for organic systems, the improvement of the list of efficient living mulch species, and the adoption of a more comprehensive strategy for managing living mulch are all general research topics.
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